
Living your new normal

posted in: Welcome | 0

I am really excited to share my first ever blog entry, I thought I would start by saying Welcome and Happy Spring!

As the weather gets warmer and we see more sunshine, there is a common feeling of wanting to dust ourselves off in search of some renewal. Peeling off the layers of winter clothes and finding our sandals lifts the weight of winter and entices us to find time to refresh ourselves and our space.

We are in the midst of some extraordinary events this year. It is uncertain how things will unfold over the next few months or what the new normal will look like, so I say “Why not find ways to make things a little more positive!”

In an effort to stay strong and optimistic, this is a great opportunity to make the most of our time at home. Redirecting your focus to those projects that have been put on the back burner for months will give you a sense of control in a world where we don’t control a lot right now. Start small with a drawer or cupboard that has been bugging you for a while and see how quickly the momentum builds.

  1. Pull everything out and sort through making ‘keep’ and ‘no longer need’ piles.
  2. Put all the keep back into the space in an organized and logical way, optimizing function.
  3. The no longer need pile can now be sorted through for garbage, recycle and donate.


If you are stuck and need some help I offer virtual organizing sessions so that I can help you while respecting the rules and guidelines that are in place during this time of self-isolation. Contact me at in**@ci************.com or 250-661-8076 and we can figure out your needs together. Tune in here, every week as I share some of my favourite tips and tricks for living your best life with less stress and greater peace of mind.


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